Parthenon Project | Autumn 2022

Frieze Overview

The Parthenon Frieze depicts a religious procession that takes place during the Panathenaic which was one the most important festivals in ancient Athens. It is made of Pentelic Marble from Mount Pentelicus which is white with a uniform, slight yellow tint. During the Morean War, Greece was under Ottoman rule and used the Parthenon as storage for gunpowder. A Venetian mortar round later blew up the gunpowder store and damaged the frieze, particularly the South Frieze, but the elements that remain tell the story of an important part of Athenian culture.

  1. West Frieze (Acropolis Museum, British Museum)
  2. North Frieze (Acropolis Museum, British Museum)
  3. South Frieze (Various Places)
  4. East Frieze (Various Places)